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1st September 2018


Veneers give you that perfect, yet natural-looking, Hollywood smile. Have you ever looked at the likes of Tom Cruise and thought ‘wow, look at his teeth’? Well, they’re the work of good quality dentistry and good quality veneers! Our teeth are built for form and function, for biting a chewing, so it’s an added bonus when we’re blessed with naturally aesthetically pleasing teeth. However, since the biological role of the dice doesn’t work that way all the time, cosmetic dentistry is still popular, effective, and trusted. You probably recognise veneers as a celebrity treatment, but they’re far more accessible than you’d think. If you’ve heard the word ‘veneers’ being referenced but have no idea what the process entails, then look no further.

This is how veneers work

Dental veneers are thin tooth-shaped covers that fit over the surface of your natural teeth and are fixed in place with a strong dental adhesive. The veneers are made out of porcelain because of their durability, stretch, and cosmetic appearance. They’re tooth-coloured and tooth-shaped to blend into your natural smile and can hide all sorts of dental woes.

How veneers are fitted

A full mouth examination will be carried out to ensure your suitability. The appropriate checks for gum disease and recession will be made, because these could drastically hinder your treatment. Treatment planning then begins, commencing with dental impressions being taken so your veneers are custom-made for your teeth. Then, 10-14 days before they are fitted, we’ll prepare your tooth which includes sort of ‘roughing up’ the surface of the tooth to give the dental adhesive a suitable grip. A thin layer of enamel is therefore ‘trimmed’ from your teeth to make them the right size and texture to receive veneers, and when you are ready they’re fitted!

What are veneers used for?

Covering a chipped tooth is a popular use of dental veneers. Whether through trauma, injury, or complete accident, a chipped tooth can occur and mar our smile. Though not technically a medical concern, they can be sensitive to chewing and biting, making everyday life a little more uncomfortable in more than one way every day. A dental veneer will attach to the top of the tooth and mask the parts of it that are missing, creating the appearance of a whole tooth while restoring function to the mouth.
Discoloured or stained teeth that are dull, yellowish, or browning benefit from veneers. With the porcelain colour-matched to your existing teeth, they will blend this problematic tooth back into your natural smile. Tooth discolouration occurs through the use of some prescription medications, the natural ageing process, and lifestyle habits like smoking. Sometimes teeth whitening treatments don’t yield the results we’d like them too, or the stain is too deep-set, so a veneer makes for far more effective treatment. This is often the case for those with a ‘dead tooth’, which occurs when the tooth stops receiving blood flow and nerve signals. Its turns a brown or grey colour which seems to bleed down the tooth from the gum line and blend downwards. In this case, traditional whitening methods won’t usually work, so a veneer will help camouflage this tooth.

Under-developed teeth or those with a displeasing shape can be covered with a veneer where suitable. For example, a ‘peg tooth’ is a misshapen tooth that has developed to be small, pointy, and generally not in uniformity with other teeth. They occur mostly in the teeth that neighbour your two front-upper teeth and literally look like pegs. They can be naturally too short or too small, but veneers can mask this tooth to create a more uniform smile.

Gappy teeth are incredibly common, but sometimes braces aren’t necessarily needed or wanted. When there are gaps between our teeth, but our bite isn’t affected, veneers can be placed on the offending teeth to close the gaps with more pleasingly and evenly shaped caps. These veneers are made to a uniform size and are shaped and moulded to fit each individual tooth, so you don’t need to worry about your cosmetic dentistry standing in stark contrast to your natural teeth.

Veneers are a great part of cosmetic dentistry that are no longer limited to the Tom Cruises of the world. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry such as veneers, or any kind for that matter, then get in touch with our Stone dental practice. Call 01785 818037 to speak a member of staff or enquire online to hear more from Abbey House Dental today.

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