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16th September 2019


Are you currently suffering from sensitive teeth? Fear not, as you’re not the only one because millions of people have sensitive teeth or have suffered from them. They do need some special care and attention, especially because it could signify an underlying dental condition. We’re going to give you some of our best dentist advice on preventing sensitive teeth and what to do if you think you’re experiencing them.

Sensitive teeth after sleep

Waking up with sensitive teeth is very common, but it is an indicator of a health problem that can be contained. If you’re waking up with sensitive and achy teeth, you might be clenching or grinding your teeth in your sleep. This can happen during periods of stress, unrest, or just out of habit. Picture your lower jaw as a hinge, the tension caused by clenching and grinding can travel to your temples, neck and shoulders. Your dentist wants to warn you that teeth grinding, whilst crating sensitive teeth, can create wear and tear too. It can wear down your surface and wear away the protective enamel. If you think you’re experiencing teeth grinding, speak to your dentist and we may be able to help.

Sensitive teeth to temperatures

If drinking a hot drink or enjoying a cold one sends little shivers and discomfort to your teeth, you might have weakened enamel. Your enamel could’ve been weakened through inattentive home cleaning. Your enamel is the protective layer of your teeth that stops the bacteria from reaching your lower layers like the dentin. If you allow plaque to build up on your teeth, the bacteria will eat away at the enamel and will reveal lower layers of teeth, which is how cavities and decay can form. We’re only usually made aware of this when we have something hot or cold because this is where we’re made acutely aware of it though pain or discomfort.
With enamel erosion you might also notice that your teeth are yellow. This isn’t actually the case but rather your weakened enamel is revealing the naturally yellow dentin beneath it. This is another reason to keep your enamel strong and healthy so you can enjoy whiter teeth.

Visit your dentist for sensitive teeth advice

Although sensitive teeth are very common, there are plenty of home care products and prevention tools that you can use. Professional treatment with your dentist can help lessen your enamel erosion. Here at Abbey House Dental Practice, we will happily work with you to build your enamel back into the protective barrier it should be. If you’re looking for a solution for your sensitive teeth in Stoke-on-Trent, get in contact today to book your initial consultation.

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