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16th March 2018


Dental implants have soared to popularity over the past few years, and they show now chance of slowing down yet. More and more patients are opting for dental implants as a safe and reliable solution to missing teeth, and it’s easy to understand why.

Dental implants with Abbey House Dental, Stone, offer so many benefits that you’ll wonder why you hadn’t had them placed sooner! Strong, reliable, and lifestyle enhancing, you could restore functionality and practicality to your teeth. If you’re undecided about your dental implant treatment, here are four benefits to having dental implants placed with Abbey House Dental.

Restore confidence and function

We can help restore your smile to its former glory with a colour-matched, tailor-made dental implant that will blend seamlessly into your natural teeth, so you will never have to mask a grin again. Chew with confidence and never avoid your favourite foods, because dental implants in Stone can reintroduce the function of chewing and speaking without a care. If you find yourself hiding your smile, limiting your diet, or feeling self-conscious when you speak, it may be time to consider dental implants with Abbey House Dental.

Last a lifetime

If you take care of your dental implants as you would your natural teeth, routinely brush and floss, and schedule regular check-ups with your dentist, then your dental implants could last you the rest of your life. Their sturdy titanium root will, in time, fuse with your jaw bone, providing a solid and safe anchor so that they may never budge or move. Your ‘cap’, the part that resembles a natural tooth, is made of solid porcelain, which is aesthetically excellent but also able to withstand the considerable force of chewing and biting.

Improve your dental health

By filling a gap in your teeth with a dental implant, you lessen the surface area of gum that is left visible and exposed. This lessens your chances of developing gum disease, because there is far less of a vulnerable area available for bacteria or food to cling to. In most cases, your neighbouring teeth don’t need to be altered at all for your dental implants, so you can restore function and protect your exposed gum without interfering with the rest of your mouth.

Provide peace of mind

Dental implants are far superior to removable dentures, because they are permanently fixed. They eliminate the embarrassing inconvenience of dentures because they require no removal, cleaning, or messy glues and adhesives that keep them in place. These worries can be a thing of the past, less than an afterthought, when you have dental implants placed by our experienced dentists at our Stone dental practice.
If you have been considering dental implants for some time, or are just now realising their benefits, then don’t hesitate to contact us regarding your options. We can arrange an appointment to discuss any concerns, questions, and potential treatment plans in detail, so you can feel comfortable in our care. Book your consultation today and have a chat with one of our expert dentists. Let’s transform your teeth!

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“Excellent - attentive, courteous, friendly and a great job done fitting my implant. I highly recommend them.”

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